Problem with using Mixamo character


I’m using Adobe fuse to create and rig characters for my project, I’m also retargeting some animations form the animation starter pack to use with them, everything works well for the most part except the characters get their left arm weirdly twisted and the fingers slightly more bended than they are with the default mannequin character.

Any help on fixing this would be very much appreciated.

From what i remember the fingers there are 4 bones? and the import for most work with 3… also the wrist please inform me if im wrong but they use IK with a rotate IK/Bone there is in UE4 does not and therefore trys to compensate that portion of the connectivity… Fixing it well unless u can use blender or 3dsmax to add or manipulate them… dont think UE4 has the option to do what you need…

still new in all this so please use this as added info… Post a fix if you do though im sure MANY will benifit from this…