Problem with the installation

My UE4 was working fine for more than 6 months. Soon after I update the file, it won’t open again. I try to reinstall the whole thing again, but it keep send me the same message, EpicGamesLauncher has stopped working. I am not sure the problem has anything to do with my wireless connection speed.

Hey ,

Let me get a better understanding of the steps that you took from the update to the uninstall and re installation. Walk me through your process and then I can start to eliminate some of possibilities.


Hey ,

If you haven’t resolved this already, I would do a complete uninstall of UE4. Then I would search through your local files just to make sure there isn’t any UE4 files that are still on your computer and causing installation issues. Lastly I would make sure that your Virus scanner is and Windows Firewall are allowing for UE4 to be installed. These are the steps I would take to ensure a clean install.