Problem with texture fliping

Hello i imported from gimp simple image with alpha in png. I want just border lines of a square and midlle shoul be transluscent and somehow i dont have border lines but cross … so whole texture is fliped or moved by half in x and y axis …

thank you for your time ;p

Why did you use that World aligned function in you rmaterial? A normal texture does not need that node, just plug in your texture directly into that multiply node for your color change.

Thank you for answer but texture object cant pin to multiply or even gridlayer directly. I tried Texture sample but that makes my border mark just disapear completly. Any idea?

Do you need a Texture Object? Usually, i just drag and drop my textures into the material editor, so that they show up as texture sample (and from that i usually convert them to texture sample parameter to be able to change them in the material instance), and then you can multiply them with whatever you want.

If you want the colors for your grid inverted, then there is the “One minus” node, that takes care of inverting everything you connect to it.

i want grid from square boarder not from crosses … Problem with crosses is that whole grid is moved in XandY by some amount (this square is 150x150 UE units) and when i aply that it is moved and doestn fit floor perfectly. so its starts like with half and ands half cut. I tried to add some offsets but i dont know much about and it didnt work out for me.
WIth your setup i have it right but there is no repetition… why? something strange there is just red line maybe i shoould add size of this texture sample but how?
ah and i have opasity mask in grey cant pin anything so i pinned to just opacity.

It looks like, your mesh for your grid is built in a way, that the Grid texture will not tile automatically, it will be displayed across the entire grid only once. That could be changed, if you use a TexCoord node, multiply it with a value, and link that result into the UV input from your Texture sample for your Grid Texture:

Oh, you don´t have to feed it into the emissive color, like i did here in the video. You can feed that into the Base color node, so that light will affect your grid. I just used the emissive node, because i wanted to make sure, that the grid is visible in that demonstration.

THank you very much , your help is above my expectation :stuck_out_tongue: seriously . I came to another question … i need one square to have fixed size for example 100 unreal units . How to tell to spread as many as posible over one plane? becouse this is texture so it will first spread as one sampe an then you can divide it as many times as you want this way but at the same time i dont have control over size of it.
With texture object node i could attach number node to ‘size’ and have it fixed. it multiplied but you know what the problem was .

You want the texture always having the same size, regardless to what you scale your grid plane? After some testing with a standard plane from Unreal Engine, that worked. That Mask (RG) Node is called “Component mask”, RG are the channels Red and Green, that are currently allowed to pass through → Blue is filtered out. Was necessary, because TexCoords have only 2 channels.

But i have no clue, if this material will work with other objects well too, because i have no clue, why it required to be divided by a factor of 0.5 to fit. You just have to test it ^.^

Remember, one standard cube is 100 UE units long, same for a standard plane. And one UE unit is once centimeter, so a standard cube/plane is 1m = 100cm = 100 UE Units long.