Problem with stairs, can't walk backward


I have the problem that i can’t walk stairs backwards.
If I move the camera while trying moving backwards then is works.

How I can fix this problem?

Here is a Video:
Unreal Engine Stairs Problem

Ok, I think I found the problem. I control the rotation with “Add Controller Yaw and Pitch Input”.
In the Simulation mode I saw that the capsule is also rotation, i think than is a problem with the
slope which is defined in the character movement.

I tried to lock the Y-Rotation but it doesn’t work, i think its because the capsule is controlled by
the Character Class.

Any Ideas?

So you’re saying your capsule is not vertical? I have the same standard “Add Controller Yaw and Pitch Input” setup, but the capsule always stays vertical, only its Y rotation changes.

Z is up in UE in general, that’s right, however there’s something different when it comes to the character. X, Y and Z are Pitch, Yaw, and Roll respectively, but you only change Pitch and Yaw, right? In this case Yaw represents the rotation around the vertical axis.

If you make something like this:

You’ll see that when you rotate left or right, Y (Yaw) changes, and Z (Roll) remains 0.

You mean the z rotation? because z is the up axis in unreal.

Yes the Capsule is not vertical it looks like this.


I think I’ve got it: in the Character (self), find the option “Use Controller Rotation Pitch”. If it’s checked, uncheck it.

Yes, it was checked. I don’t know how this happend. I converted the project from a lower engine
version. I checked almost everthing but not self :slight_smile: Thank you.