Problem with sound recording via AudioCaptureComponent and Submix.

Hi. I have problem that I belive happend to @Devilondetails in this post
So here is what I’m trying to do in one screenshot. I want to record a wav file with audio capture component and when it’s done I want to do some stuff with it that are irrelevant to the problem so I will skip them. If anyone want to recreate this here are the steps:

  1. Create new Sound Submix (SS_Capture in my case)
    2.Create new actor. Add AudioCaptureComponent to that actor, Click Auto Activate and set submix to the one you created in step 1.
    3.Set in class defaults Auto Receive Input to Player 0 so actor will listen to spacebar presses.
  2. Add spacebar node and add Start Recording Output and Finish Recording Output like on the screen. Submix To Send is a variable set to same submix from step 1 (SS_Capture) IMPORTANT: Make sure you set export type to Wav File (you can find it in Saved/BouncedWavFiles in your projects directory.
  3. Click on Submix To Record variable and in details panel click + on On Submix Recorded File Done and connect print string to that node and set breakpoints on them by pressing F9.
  4. Place this actor on the scene. Press play and test it out.

What happens on my side is that file is being recorded properly. It prints Done! on the screen so it looks like delegate On Submix Recorded File Done works as expected but breakpoints are not being triggered. If I do something more complex there then not everything executes as expected. It feels like this node fires in different thread than other blueprint nodes. Solution from post I pasted above (connection of the latter nodes directly after Finish Recording Output) does not work in my case because I’m modifying bits of that wav file “by hand” and it crashes very often due to writing to the file before its completed in different thread.
Is it a bug? Anyone got some ideas of how to fix that? Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

After good night sleep I remembered that I can bind to those eventlike delegates in same manner like I do with any other blueprint dispatcher. I gave it a try and it worked as expected. Pasting screen with solution that worked for me. I entered bug submission. Will inform you here if Epic’s will contact me and give me some more information about this thing.