I need to make some calculations in construction script or at begin play in a Actor BP and then use and set “Set Linear Limit” for x,y. Exact BP node Name e.g. for x is “Set Linear XLimit”.
It seems all is working fine when i set it to state “locked” or to state “free”. So I don’t find a error in my script, because every change I made to state “free” or “locked” is working fine. But every change, also a very simple change with hardcoded “limit size” value to state “limited” is not working. When I use “limited” the phys linear direction for this is the same as “locked”.
Can someone confirm the problems with state “limited”?
Or perhaps I do something wrong? Are there any constraints when I want to set “Set Linear XLimit” to “limited” and I need specific nodes before or after that?
As I said, I tried construction script and also begin play, both is not working for me.
Sorry… right after my post, I did some more tries, and it seems that sometimes it is working. So for now, forget about it, I have to reproduce better when I get the problem and when not.
It ill not working, when you use more “Set Linear Limit” nodes for different axis. The first node will use the value of the last node. In my case in this Screenshot, the Y axis, which is the only one wich is set to “limited” has a in-game limit size of 40 (size of last node). Event when last node is set to locked, the first node uses the value of the last node in the row.
In my following Screenshot I set the “limited size” to “0” as you see, to reproduce the problem very nicely. In this BP, I can start the game in viewport and can move the BP Actor in limited-Y axis, as it is to set to 40.