Problem with rotating Spring arm over Time (BP, Timelines, UE5-0EA)

Hi there…

I use UE5-0EA. The Forum won´t let this Question be posted, until i add a valid Version Tag… and UE5-0EA seems not to be valid :sweat_smile:
But, since i got the same propblem in 4-27… be welcome to help out, too.


Small Question from me…:
I created this Blueprint Event Chain, to rotate the SpringArm of the Pawn (with Camera) about +/-90° per 1 Second, when hitting Q or E.
The Camera is RTS like:

(Edit: There is a small Bug on the Image. Both Finish SetWorldRotations do +/- from the Yaw Axis.)

My Problem now is:
The SpringArm rotates correctly… but when i want to set the resulting Rotation to the SpringArm, it just rotates back to its origin (-70,0,0).

The Spring Arm Settings:

Changing the Inherit from PYR, won´t change anything… Same for the Camera Lag.

The Two Timelines are simple Float Values over 1 Second,
from 0…90 (for Left Turning)
from 0…-90 (for Right Turning)

Edit: tried it with using Timeline from 0…1 as Alpha for a Rotator Lerp, too. Same Result.

Hints to solve that would be appriciated :smiley:

Got it to work…

It seems like, another Event resets the Rotation all the Time.

When i add an Input Axis for the MouseWheel, the resulting Axis Event is fired continously, no matter if the Axis Value is 0. So the Zoom rotation change, changes the all over rotation every time this event fires…

So, i needed to branch the Value of the event, if it is != 0, if false do nothing.

The Method in the Startpost works like a Charm.

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