Problem with root motion rotation

I setup a small walking animation for my character by it looks like root animation (rotation) is not being applied at the end of the animation sequence.

The animation basically consists of 3 steps: walk forward, turn right, and walk forward again.

Then I click “Enable Root Motion”, select “Anim First Frame”. Then show->“Process Root Motion”. Now I can see the character continuing walking away after animation sequence but not the way it is intended. At the beginning of the next animation sequence it turns left before walking forward again.

The problem is still there if I choose “Ref Pose” instead of “Anim First Frame” when enabling root motion.

Is there something I am doing wrong here? How do I get it to continue walk forward as in the beginning of the animation sequence without turning left. Ultimately I would like to make the character walk in a loop using root motion when the animation is repeated 4 times.

Did you enable root motion on both the animation and the animation blueprint? On the animbp there are 2 tabs u need to enable it - both preview non-preview… Need to ‘enable root motion for everything’. Or just enable for montage

Yes tired animation blueprint root motion everything and it’s showing the same behavior in there. I’m suspecting my ref pose is not aligned correctly in the FBX import. Somehow it doesn’t let me edit it in persona. The default mannequen you can change the rotation of the skeletal mesh but I’m not sure I can’t do that the the FBX imported from blender.

the root is the root and in the first play blast the root is being left behind

Are you sure the root is actually getting rotated? If you click the globe in the persona view options to toggle the transform gizmo to local space you should see the axes rotate with the object. I made an animation with the root translating and rotating like your animation and it worked, the model moved in a circle.

Which blender version are you using and how are you animating the root motion itself?

Yes you’re right on. After I turned one the axis tool I can see the root bone axis is never rotated. I’m using blender 2.74, but imported a modified DAE file from Daz studio. I had to modify the DAE file to add the moving root bone translation, it looks like I will need to add the rotation effect as well.