Hi, I have looked through my cooking logs to try and find the source of a Unknown Cook Error and I found this line which the log had flagged as the issue.
[2017.10.09-18.33.24:412][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineFonts/Roboto → C:/Users/user/Documents/Unreal Projects/Reflections2/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Roboto.uasset
It is referring to the Engine Font Roboto from the previous project I migrated some assets from. Now when I try to save the font it will not save, and this is what I think is causing the Cook Failure that is not letting my Project Package.
Here are the cook logs and the engine log
The suspect line is line 497
Log lines 1-100
Log lines 101-300
Log lines 301-500
Log lines 501-800
Log lines 801-1200
Log lines 1201-2000
Log lines 2001-2500
Log lines 2501-3000
Log lines 3001-4000
Log lines 4001-4369
Any help would be appreciated.