Hello everyone,
i am pretty new into unreal engine and at the moment i want to learn about movement in ue5. I figured out how to implement the prone logic and animation, but i have problems with the thirdperson mesh, which i use as other players see the player.
Is there a way to fix the capsule component so that the half body mesh will not glitch through the wall? I also try a logic with a sphere trace by channel, which should prevent proning, when it hits a wall, but it was pretty buggy.
You can detect when your character’s bones collide with the wall but even though it will solve your problem, it’s definetly not the best both for the looks and also the gameplay. It could be frustuating to be so far away from the wall without being able to get any closer. So since you mentioned that you’re a beginner, I say keep this small issue as it is, and when your project is developed enough to refine these details, use control rigs. (IK legs in this case) Instead of just having the movement stop when the character’s feet hit the wall, you can instead make it’s legs spread apart as it gets closer to the wall, or tuck them in. Whatever you want! Of course what I’m suggesting can’t be explained over a short text here, but you can look for tutorials on it if you consider that approach. Hope this was helpful
Try creating another “prone” collider (box or something similar) and activate it only when prone.
You will have to think of something while transitioning to prone though to make sure you the colliders don’t intersect when activated. (maybe gradually extend it or smth.)
Something worth looking into, when it comes to non-capsule shaped roots. Here is an introduction to the new experimental Mover component… which will replace the Character component.
I think, given a little time, it’ll make things a lot easier when it comes to going prone
Hi David, thanks for that tip. I will watch it. I am still struggling with overlapping events, just implement a logic that stop moving forward if the capsule is hitting another actor with another collision box. But i don’t know how this will effect the performance of the game, when every wall etc is an actor…