So, my problem is… It always fails to cast to the other blueprint, the upper blueprint is called Block, and the second one is called Blueprint_BoxPowerup, the problem here is that when my character touches the “powerup”, it automatically fails to cast to the other blueprint, and it doesn’t go to the BlockGet? variable, and then destroying the actor, and as it never activates the variable, the box doesn’t simulate physics. So I needed help here with that. Thank you.
First tip, do not use Event Tick for this. It is less efficient than just calling a method and other than that…did you make sure the other blueprint is actually derived from Block?
Yes, I made sure, I destroyed and replaced Cast to Block, re-did all from the scratch, and for some reason, it always fails to cast…
If someone has any ideas, please try to help, I’m stuck on my project just because of this…
If you can, upload a small project to google drive/dropbox/something that works just like your current set up. That way, I can deduce what the problem is. Based off your current information, I really just can’t figure it out.
Sorry, but I won’t do that, the problem is very simple, I just needed a answer for the following problem: I have 2 blueprints, one can’t cast info to another for some unknown reason, I needed help in an alternate way to cast info from a blueprint to another and that works.
Welp buddy, then you’re outta luck. I’ve asked you to make sure that the other actor is derived from the block class and you said it was. There are very few reasons that a C-style cast will fail and under the hood, thats all a blueprint cast is. Therefor, without being able to shift through the problem…I can’t help you and I doubt many other people can. It is asking us to solve a problem with a missing piece.
For the record, all cast types will fail if the other blueprint is not derived from the block blueprint. That is also about the only reason any cast “would” fail unless this is a bug, but that is doubtful as I haven’t seen a cast bug in ages and it would affect all cast considering they’re derived from the same logic.
Couldn’t you simply make the setup all within the level blueprint? When the player overlaps the box, set simulate physics to the cube and destroy the powerup actor. I’m not sure that you would even need to cast to pull this off, depending on what else this cube is doing of course.