I use character from Sequencer Demo Sequencer Subway | Unreal Engine Documentation.
This skeleton is with same pose like a UE skeleton, so should be no problem, but few issues. I did my best and generally it working, but with errors visible on screen:
- belts are moved front, I can find connected bone, or better - moving nearest bones not moving belts. I don’t know how to fix it
- hands are deformed. Fingers are ok, even perfect but wrists are shifted
- foots are deformed and too short
Rest of, generally is very good, animation works ofc, but with described errors.
On above screen bone weight (bone for belts). I think here can be problem, but I’m not sure - just for comparison.
I see here many bones not used after retarget, maybe here is problem. No problem with bones for knife (not visible) or magazines on main belt, but some additional bones in hands etc.
Following this official tutorial https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Animation/RetargetingDifferentSkeletons#retargetingadjustments we can use Recursively Set Translation Retargeting Skeleton, but I can’t see this option in UE 4.19.2
I will be very happy with any help, this can solve my problems with other skeletons too I think - similar small, but crucial errors.
Is anybody who did perfect retargeting this or other skeletons used in Epic samples? Maybe from Infiltrator demo?
Thank’s a lot +++