Problem with PayPal payment

when trying to use PayPal for payment, I keep getting "Unknown error in processing payment. Please try again later. "
I’ve even looked at my Paypal account settings on Paypal web and looked at the section for preapproved payments.
There is item called: “Epic Games International S.a.r.l”. Also, please note, that I have 0,- sum PayPal balance, I am charged “on demand” from my real bank account when paying with PayPal, so I do not need positive PayPal balance, maybe this is a problem?
Please also note, that I have no problem using PayPal anywhere else, like on the Steam, or Bandcamp and so, everything works fine.

Thanks for an answer.

Maybe it will be better if you send an email directly to the support team. Here is the mail:

Thank you for suggestion, I’ve sent email to that adress.

Hi MyOwnClone,

PayPal does the processing and handles all your payment options (be it payment cards, bank transfers, PayPal balances). Epic Games actually does not have any visibility into how you pay. PayPal simply tells us whether a transaction is successful. If you run into issues with errors using your payment at PayPal, it is probably more effective if you contacted PayPal to see what’s going on.

Stuped answer ! In in thesame position like this !
i use paypal for roblox,steam…etc and i never have problems like this
If you donot know how to sell your product…you are an idiot
so stuped…he need to make $$ but he donot know how to sell this !