Problem with pawn´s forward vector in VR

The problem I think I’m having is that for some reason, the forward vector of my pawn doesn’t rotate, using the SDot_CharacterV2 from Archviz UI and Tools that epic gave away a few months ago. I think that’s the problem because actually the real problems I have are: on the one hand it works with 3DoF instead of 6DoF, so it causes motion sickness when using the VR. I tried enabling the “lock to hmd” option in the pawn´s camera, but it got worse. Now, the camera does move when I move my head, but it does it in another direction, so the motion sickness is terrible. Also, the camera is now on the floor, instead of being at my real height.
On the other hand, trying to use this tutorial Opening/Closing Door Tutorial Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube to open and close doors, when I use the LineTraceByChannel, and check it with the debug line, even though it is set to forward vector of the pawn’s rotation control, the ray always appears in the same direction, no matter where I’m looking.

The pawn doesn’t rotate the same way the camera does. It’s not super easy and straight forward and I am struggling with it myself sometimes.

When the player moves the camera can look to the side without the pawn rotating. Same with VR. You can look around but that does not rotate the pawn or the player camera. In VR you should not touch the player cameras rotation. I’m not sure how I did it in the ArchViz tools but I think there is an option for ‘simple move’ that does not rotate the camera, only the pawn.

Otherwise you have 3 rotations. The pawn, the player camera and the headset and that might get really confusing.

Are you using a controller to look around? Don’t use the mouse which uses ‘turn’ which rotates the player camera and not the pawn.

Maybe these youtube videos may help:

start with this one

Hi! Thank you for all the help! I managed to solve the camera problem by enabling the lock to hmd option, and disabling the pawn control rotation node and setting the tracking origin to the floor (it wasn´t working by just selecting the display). Now the camera works correctly, but I can´t use any input, and the smartphone of the UI keeps floating in the air, unless I attach it to the camera in the viewport. Any idea of how to make it work?