Problem with packaging games, error=1?

Im learning to use unreal editor 5.4 as im really tasking myself to make a storyline game based lossely on life events ive had. I’ve installed visual studio for unreal but it wont package since adding some free content, ive tried to strip back the content but the engine would crash trying to delete them using the content drawer(thinking back it was possibly ram related) , ended up removing them through explorer and used fix up redirectors hoping itd work. It worked when i set up my weapon and anims on manny but i installed the free packs while i was learning to retarget my metahuman, might of retargetted the meta wrong or it could be a bug within a pack unless metahumans arent for that purpose? … somewhere between retargetting my metahuman onto manny and adding third party packs it stopped compiling throwing the error Unknown=1 which gives me no clues where the fix would be… few theories are that my engine and game are stored on my secondary ssd but im sure the engines task centre is on my primary… it also could be the third party free packs not fully erasing from the game data which i havent managed to fix… or last it could be that VS updated alongside my recent windows update which apparently alot of people are having difficulty with… im not sure at this point but i want to get things right before i continue the build… anyone else managed to fix this problem or have recommendations? T.r.e454