Problem with own UV-Maps

at the moment I testing capturing Realty for my Full Body Scanner, the mehses are amazing! But the texture I crated is not good, because the UV that is created from CR is not as good as the UV that Agisoft Photoscn creat. So I decided to make my own UV-Map in Zbrush and then making the Texture in Capturing Reality on it. But when I import the model and start to generate the texture after some Time I got the error massege in the attachement. So what ist the problem why Cpturing Reality crahses, how can I work on my own UV and how can I improve the Texture Quality of the UV? Can anybody help me?

Thans in advance
Best regards

These issues are fixed in a new build that is not released yet BUT I can say it is highly probably because the ZBrush export setting that is described even in ZB documentations as a troublemaker.
Change this setting like in my screenshot and try to import it into RC again…

Screenshot 2016-05-11 17.49.32.png

Hi Wishgranter,
Do you have an estimate when the update will be released? Will it address the missing patches as well as the UV issues?

Hi Bill

Will ask when it can be released and let you know…

Excellent :slight_smile:

Any news? We really need this to work!

Alex Hansson wrote:

Any news? We really need this to work!

This is probably what you have been looking for: Version RC release