Hello everyone, I wanted to report a problem which is bugging me lately.
In the past, most times I wanted to generate a “normal detail” my pc run in all sorts of errors. Some unknown errors, other Cuda errors. And they kept happening very randomly.
I read in the forum that it’s probably related to the Nvidia Driver.
I’ve tried a lot of different drivers and different versions of the software and now the normal detail seems going on, the problem is that it goes on forever :
Or when, for a miracle, it happens to finish it gives me this obscene result :
Funny fact is that the preview comes out very good :
Do you have any idea why is this happening?
I’ll give you some specs about my pc :
Windows 10 x64
Intel Core i9-7900X CPU 3.30GHz 3.31GHz
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
I always have around 60GB of free HD space