Hello, i’ve exported the eyeball mesh that comes with 4.11 to fbx and i’ve imported it into maya so that i can place the eyeball in the heads that i have for my character. The problem is that when i import the head with the eyeball in ue 4, the eye shader is not working properly:
Double check your UVs to make sure they didn’t shift or get inverted/reversed. The refraction/bulge depends on those UVs being in the perfect spot and not inverted. I was getting a similar distortion with one eye, and found that it was because I had mirrored it in Maya.
I’ve imported just the fbx that i have exported from the content examples and when i apply the material it just looks wrong. The UVS in the Channel 1 look good no?
I had this same problem, what fixed it for me was selecting Import Normals (rather than calculate normals) on FBX import. Also, enabling high precision UVs seemed to help even if the content example doesn’t use it.