So I was following along with the twich video from Unreal that showed how to make a simple path following ai character. When it came to making the ai controller and running it nothing happened the character just stands there. What other components do I need to see if its missing any?
You may have missed a step in the Twitch video. I would suggest watching it again to be sure you follow all of their steps.
Is the AI a character blueprint?
My first was a blueprint based off of the pawn class. I guess since i was unable to add a movement component it wasnt moving because when i made one based off of a character class it moved but now its not. Is the only way to add a movement component through c++?
Do you have a nav mesh volume in the scene?
Yes there is
Make a blueprint based on the player character blueprint (Third Person Character blueprint in the Blueprints folder of the Third Person Character folder). You can safely delete all of the movement code in the graph, as the AI Controller will not worry about that information. That should provide you with a functional mobile (pawn character).
I think I know what I did after I just deleted all the ai stuff that I made. Instead of using object reference I used class reference which was causing problems. Its working like a charm now.