Problem with long project loading

Hello, this is my first post here. I had a problem loading my zombie shooter project, which I had already opened earlier and at this point I got stuck. When I download a project, the download percentage is 93 percent and stops, but at the same time it loads my laptop. I restarted the project 3 times, waited about 1 hour and still no results. The laptop is quite powerful right away, I even launched and played powerful games on it: cyberpunk 2077, atomic heart, CONTROL, DYING LIGHT 2, etc.

Special thanks for your help

I don’t read the language you have Windows set to, but I will try.
it looks like your RAM/Memory has a high amount of utilization, and your system might be struggling to load the project into memory.

on this system can you open up a blank project, or one of the Templates?
*where Task Manager doesn’t have any Warning or Errors immediately after the application name that means the application is still executing, it might just be “complex enough” to have your system working hard (this could also be an asset optimization issue, but that goes a LOT deeper). You might just need to go make yourself a sandwich and give it some time to load up.

Try launching the Project without Epic Games Launcher?
*you can open the Editor directly in the Windows Start Menu->“Unreal Editor” (this will launch the project picker) if nothing shows up in the Windows Search then try navigating to the location you installed the Engine “[EngineVersion]\Engine\Binaries\[OS]\UnrealEditor.exe
*you can open a project directly, by opening the given [ProjectName].uproject which will behave similar to launching it directly through the Epic Games Launcher.

Technically you only “need” to use the Epic Games Launcher when: opening a application/game perchased through the Epic Games Launcher, importing marketplace assets, or modifying/updating the Engine (if you obtained the Engine from the Epic Games Launcher Source Compilation has other things at that point)

Try Opening just the Project with as few other applications running as possible: if this is the very first time the project has ever been fully opened then some parts might need to be generated for the given hardware.

in Task Manager go to “Performance” (usually the 2nd tab) and look at “Memory” usually the right under “CPU” at the bottom of the right hand pain there should be some stats the values of interest are the ones displayed as a fraction if the second value of that fraction is close to the physical memory you have in your system then you might need to look into your system “Paging File” (I would really suggest having your Paging File be on a drive separate to your OS drive, and maybe on a Mechanical Platter Drive (HDD), for better write endurance)

besides “Get more RAM” which can be harder to come by, for a variety of reasons, then getting a Hard Drive for a paging file.

Thank you very much, I’ll try to do as you said and see what happens