Problem with Landscape Streaming Proxy in UE5.4

Hello everyone,

I’m posting here since I’m kinda stuck and have no idea how to deal with my problem.

I’m currently working on a pretty big map composed of 16 smaller maps that I got from a former coworker. Each map is complete with several assets and the main one only contains the lighting and sequences.

Problem is, each small map contains a landscape labelled as LandscapeStreamingProxy which, if I understang correctly, is supposed to reference another landscape, but they aren’t referencing anything. I can edit the landscape with the engine tools, but can’t do anything much since everything else is either greyed out or crashes UE right away.

I tried exporting the heightmap, exporting the landscape as a mesh, copy/paste, everything crashes instantly.

Is this a known bug? Is there a fix? At least any idea on how to fix my issue?