Hello everyone so I found a tutorial/answer to another question on here that was a lot like what I neede but for some reason I cant get it to work. I don’t have any errors and as far as I can tell its an issue with key mapping since nothing happens when I hit the key needed. If anyone can help that’d be much appreciated!
Could be a few things. First check game mode blueprint/world settings and make sure the right player controller is selected, if you didn’t make a new player controller blueprint, then you are using the right one already. If it is an actor BP you put the input action into you have to enable input on it by dragging out from the controller and using an enable input node.
Personally I would save the widget into a reference, that way you can easily remove it from parent whenever to make it go away. Probly lots of ways to do that tho.
I see do you know of a resource or what I could type to google a solution?
I’m very new to unreal engine so I don’t really know what to look up for certain things.
Don’t really need a guide just practice with logic. If you right click the return value on the create new widget blueprint node and select promote to variable, it will store a reference to the widget in a variable. From this variable you can do a bunch of different stuff with the hud widget. Mainly, you can make a branch before the create new widget node, drag off the hud variable and check if its visible, if it is visible remove it from parent before adding the new one. Experiment and when you drag off variables and stuff take a good look at all the options so you know whats there.