Hello i am having an issue with my project.Whenever i try to join a hosted game (UMG join system with IP) , i have a black screen whereas if i join with the console , i can connect to the host server and play correctly.Here is the screenshot of how my UMG works.
Programming errors are often the result of making a mistake somewhere along the way. The only way to be certain is to check during runtime if the actual result is the same.
Did you check the string you feed into “Execute Console Command” yet? Did you check whether or not the “IPadress” variable contains what you want it to? Does the “Get Text” node returns what you want?
You can not know for sure unless you debug it properly.
Here’s the documentation page about Blueprint Debugging. Maybe this will help you figure out what exactly is wrong with your code
Hey mate i finally fixed my problem and i can’t believe how stupid it was ! I just created a binding for the value of the text (didn’t do it on purpose ) so it was giving me a value that i didn’t define in that binding. I deleted the binding and it works perfectly now.Thanks for the help keep it up , great moves