Problem with Impulse at Location

Hello Guys and Girls :rolleyes:

I have a simple BP. A Box with an Arrow near at the top where i wan’t the impulse. It is at X:0 Y:0 Y: 300. Normaly i think the Box must fall straight forward. But in my case the Box instantly rotates 20° and then falls normaly.

Can you tell me how that works and where exactly the impulse starts? And in which direction the ipulse goes? And what is the linear and angual damping? And does the mass can have effect on the impulse stregth?

I only find the radial force but this will force in every direction. I wan’t something that press an actor in an direction like i do with my finger at one point in one direction.


Here are some pics:

The BP:

Before Start:

Instant after Start:

After Fall:


OK iam dump… I found the problem :-/

That works… Wrong location…

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