Problem with importing GLTF animated mesh

Hi, I have a problem when importing animated models into unreal 5.3 via Gltf.

The skeleton that comes in is missing almost all of the bones. A few of them are there, but no where near the full thing. Am I missing something?

EDIT It seems to be related to how the bones are parented. IT is importing everything parented to “Root_Break”, but ignores “base”.

With FBX the root becomes “skinned_Mesh”
With GLTF skinned mesh is ignored, and the root becomes the first parent under armature, then everything else is ignored.
If I parent the others to the root, then they are exported, but this isnt an option for me as I have 1000’s of files to import and can’t import and reparent everyone.
I’m hoping im missing a setting somewhere.

Thanks in advance