I exported the mesh with as a .fbx file to Mixamo.
There I retargeted my , added a simple walk motion capture file to it.
Exported from Mixamo as a .fbx
Now I use ARTv1 and use the “Import Motion” option.
What i get is only keys to the root bone in the Translate X,Y,Z
Method 2 failure,
I exported the mesh and before I published the character(after skinning it), and to Mixamo.
This time when I use the “Import motion” on my published character, I get the same poses only for frame 0 and 1
Please what can I do to make this work, the tool is great but importing the same mocap is a pain in the buttt.
Could you send me the FBX that you exported FROM the ART tool and the FBX that you’re trying to bring back into ART? You can PM me a download link on the forums if you’d like to keep it private. Please respond here after you send a PM.
I have the problem in Maya, when I use “Add character for animation” then bring a mixamo .fbx file into only the root has translation X,Y,Z coordinates keyed all the other joints and controls dont have any keys.
Actually, this could be a result of the recent Mixamo changes where they removed support for UE4 (More info here and here). However, there has been a good workaround from our community that may help.
but its in maya, Im not using ue4.
When using the ARTv1’ tool and after skinning, if I bring a mixamo mocap fbx file it works fine.
After I make the Add character for animation and use the import motion and select this mixamo fbx file the animation is only there for frame 0 and 1.
Its when I have the character with controls and bring in the mixamo fbx file.
Right, but you are using the UE4 base . Mixamo has stopped supporting a proper export for our . I’ve reached out to one of our devs to see if he knows what’s happening.
Hey Nexust, I just looked at your files and figured out why that’s happening. I guess when Mixamo exports out the FBX, they only key the attributes that have value and nothing else. But when you apply this onto a rig, the controls need to have keys on them, but if there’s not keys to copy, they’re not going to move. To remedy this, open up the FBX in Maya, select all the joints, go to the key menu at the top, and select bake animation. This’ll bake all the attributes on the joints. Save out the FBX and then try the import motion onto the character again. This seemed to work just fine for me; let me know if this fixes your issue.