Problem with ik retargeting

I’m trying to do retargeting of animations that I took from the marketplace. After creating the IK Rig, I encounter the following problem: It feels like ik_foot_root and ik_hand_root are living their own lives. I don’t understand how this is happening or how to fix it. I’ve done the retargeting based on both mannequin examples and examples from YouTube - everything seems precise. Could the problem be with the bones on the asset?

Also root motion not working due to this issue.

Mesh asset: Zombie 02 - Classic Assets + Extra in Characters - UE Marketplace
Animations: 105 Zombie Animations Mocap + 281 Bonus Zombie Audio in Animations - UE Marketplace
Problem image: Screenshot by Lightshot

I’ve been trying for several days to set up proper retargeting of IK bone animations from skeleton A to skeleton B (from UE4 to UE5 mannequin). The problem is that I can’t seem to bind them the same way as in the source. Here’s what I’ve already tried:

1 - Setting Global Scale or Absolute, the result is unsatisfactory.
2 - Creating virtual bones, but this doesn’t make much sense as the target already has bones.
3 - After retargeting, it’s possible to edit the Control Rig and manually bind it, but this needs to be done for each animation separately. Plus, the project crashes 3 out of 4 attempts.

Is retargeting really such a complex process? From what I understand, it’s a common task; there must be a correct solution, right??

Asset says it’s using an Epic skeleton (UE4 mannequin I assume?) so I would think you can just set it to use the UE4 skeleton. Rig and retargeter are already provided for that. You shouldn’t need to create those.

Assets usually come with their own UE4 mannequin skeleton which I would delete and set it to use the one already in the project.

While I stopped at the third option - it works. Takes a lot of time - but works :expressionless:

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