Problem with HUD'S

Hello I have the following problem. I want my player to run towards an item and then a text appears. Like for example “Take with (E)”. I have done all this before. But in my new project it just does not work. This error comes again and again:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Ref_Gamemode”. Node: Show Message Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Door Blueprint: BP_Door

Maybe someone can help me. Because as I said I have done exactly as in the pictures (Hopefully) exactly so in another project and there it goes. But not here. By the way I am a beginner.


For start,

Your object is a blueprint actor ?

So my door is a BP. If that’s what you mean.


Do you have already created the Widget Blueprint you want to show at screen ?

Yes, I have done that too.


In the part “Input Control & Text” i recommend you to make a function instead of a custom event.

It’s work ?

What exactly should be changed there? Sorry I am a beginner. Can you also recognize the first glance a mistake on the pictures? That would help me to understand it.

I prepare a screenshot for you. Wait please… :slight_smile:

Try this :
Choose your correct Widget Blueprint in node “Create … Widget”

Tell me if it’s working. :slight_smile:

´What would be “Cast to WBP_Test” for me ? Would that be my door so the BP object?

No, in this node, you choose the UI you want to show at screen.
This node is used for get data of the UI.
It’s your BP Widget.

Okay. I can’t set an Add To viewport after the cast to.

You must do this in your BP Object.
Drag the blue exit for search the node (The exit of Cast to… node). It will appearing.

That’s what I did. No idea where the error lies with me. I have done all this in my BP_Door.

When you search the node, uncheck “Context Sensitive” option.
It would appearing.

Yes I have done all that. It does not come with me. I probably did something wrong. I do not know. I would have a question. On the pictures I sent. As I said, I did that with another project and it worked and still works. How can it be that it no longer works in my new project? I do not understand. Can it be due to the project settings?

This does not affect project settings.
Save, Close and Restart Unreal Engine.
Sometimes bugs happen
Then retry.

Okay I will give this a try. And I hope it works then. No idea what I should have done wrong. But thanks for the help already!

No problem :slight_smile:
Tell me tomorrow if it’s don’t work.