Hello I have the following problem. I want my player to run towards an item and then a text appears. Like for example “Take with (E)”. I have done all this before. But in my new project it just does not work. This error comes again and again:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Ref_Gamemode”. Node: Show Message Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Door Blueprint: BP_Door
Maybe someone can help me. Because as I said I have done exactly as in the pictures (Hopefully) exactly so in another project and there it goes. But not here. By the way I am a beginner.
What exactly should be changed there? Sorry I am a beginner. Can you also recognize the first glance a mistake on the pictures? That would help me to understand it.
Yes I have done all that. It does not come with me. I probably did something wrong. I do not know. I would have a question. On the pictures I sent. As I said, I did that with another project and it worked and still works. How can it be that it no longer works in my new project? I do not understand. Can it be due to the project settings?