Problem with height map and tessellation


I’ve got a problem creating a blend material (to paint my landscape with). I can’t seem to get the height maps and tessellation working :confused:
I’ve contacted the creator of the textures but hasn’t given me a working solution yet.

Below, I’ve included some pics that visualize the problem:

Preset of how the creator set up 1 of the materials (look at the height diffrence & tessellation in the preview)

How I’ve set up my blend material: (another picture, zoomed in on the height maps:

How the textures look when painted on the landscape: (no height diffrence or tessellation)

Does anyone know what might be the problem? I’m still pretty new to Uneal Engine so it might be something small I’ve overlooked :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Nade Swiiv

Could it be that you turned on tesselation but left the max displacement option at 0?

Just a note, usually I use the heightmap as input to Alpha on a LERP node and set the multiplication factor (as in your picture 15) to B and multiplication factor * -1 to A and the LERP result I multiply by the vertex normal to feed then to the displacement pin.