Problem with FPS on Unreal Editor when using 2 displays

Some days ago i posted this question: Unreal Engine 4 Editor at 3fps - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums

Now i discovered the reason why the fps drops in the editor, i use 2 displays, one of 2560x1080 and one of 1440x900 so i do the visual work on the 2560 and the rest of the UI/GUI/HUD/INTERFACE of the editor i drag to the second display, but when i do that, dragging any part of the editor UI/GUI/HUD/INTERFACE to the second display the performance of the editor drops to like 3 fps (was 40fps or more before doing that) i thought it was a bug of the 4.9 version but seems to be of the programm it self, can someone knows why this happens? Thanks!

Hello BrunoCAP,

Could you provide me with your dxdiag? The issue could be related to your OS, graphics card, or graphics driver as well. In case you fall under any of these categories, here is a list of known software conflicts with the engine that may cause this problem.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, BrunoCAP. Are you still having this issue? If not, please let us know, for future users’ reference, what fixed the issue. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.

I’ve managed to fix it, it was a problem with the EVGA Precision X Tool, that was running in the background, sorry for the trouble cause i only discovered when i saw the common troubles in UE 4 with this EVGA tool. Thanks!