I am trying to create an Actor with a varying SkeletalMesh depending on what the HTTP Response is.
The issue here is that FObjectFinder can’t be called outside Constructor, and constructor can’t be sent parameters, as to tell him which is the correct mesh and REST Data.
I need either a way of fetching the mesh outside the constructor, or send parameters to constructor
I solved it. To anyone in the future getting references to that stupid unexisting wiki page, here’s the answer:
1- Do what everyone recomends, forget about the Constructor option (just create an empty subobject for your mesh), create a method initialize and call it right after your SpawnActor:
// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve
ACraftable::ItemMeshComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("MeshComponent"));
On the Initialize Method you will retreive the Asset from the directory as a StaticLoad. Now be ware that this is actually something everyone suggests against doing. I had to do it because my game absolutely requires it.