(sorry for my bad English) I created two bots that patrol the location from point to point using. I had a problem with the fact that the enemies “do not see” each other, so they collide each other and stop (picture 1). I was advised to set “Runtime - Runtime Generation” to dynamic in “Project settings”.But there is a new problem (picture 2). Every enemy now creates too much impassable area around him. How to fix it? Maybe it’s just because I have a weak PC?
Picture 1
This is not normal when character block that big space. Show your character setup with capsule.
Do you use standard NavMash settings? Blocked area should be only around character (red marked). Try standard NavMesh and standard character settings first (block navigation etc) and post more data.
I can check in editor later today, in few hours. I think it should be not set as dynamic obstacle, just ‘can ever affect navigation’ is enough.
This dynamic obstacle can be problem why red area is that big, here also must be different nav settings for obstacle area, but as I remember, character should just ‘can ever affect navigation’ instead of be dynamic obstacle.
You can try it, or wait when I can check in editor, I not work weeks on ai so I’m not 100% sure.
I did fast check on my project, and dynamic obstacle is no problem. I think you have non standard navmesh settings or additional static meshes creating problem. They are not attached to skeletal mesh, but to capsule, what is not good idea as I know.
StaticMesh and StaticMesh1. Try parent it to Mesh(inherited) or for test disable collision and check they are dynamic or not.