Hey guys I am having an issue with one of my blueprints and was wondering if I could get some help. I have a blueprint set up to spawn an emitter when the player using his heavy attack (specialActionV2). This part of the Blueprint works fine the emitter shows both on the client and the server. Here is my issue - If the player one has the weapon out and player two presses (specialActionV2) it spawns the emitter for player 1. I have a link to my blueprint it is a very small BP. Conan exiles modding posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4. I feel as though I need to have an event after pressed that checks if the player is the owner or something but I don’t know how to do that.
Hello good day,
I have tried to recreate your blueprint but mine spawns the emitter on the right character.
I created this on the character blueprint.
Sorry I still haven’t got a clue on what is the problem. If you have any additional information would gladly help more.
You also said that the one who equips the weapon would spawn the emitter after clicking the SpecialAction button but in your blueprint, nothing is checking if the player currently equips the weapon
Hello good day again,
The blueprint you sent should work. Some other thing is affecting the spawning of emitters.
Things you could check:
Did the blueprint you sent on a Character Blueprint?
As I see it there is a Default Scene Root on it which likely means its not a character blueprint because a character blueprint has a default root of “CapsuleComponent”
It seems like you are using an Actor Blueprint only?
Did you just rename a component to Default Scene Root?
I’m just confused about these things.
If the blueprint you sent is not on a Character blueprint try to put it on one and try your system again.
It should spawn whether you’re equipped with the weapon or not.
If all this works then the thing you just need to do is wether your character is equipped with the weapon.
Hey good day to you too!
Thank you for the fast response yeah basically if both players have the same weapon out and one of them presses the specialAction button the emitter would spawn on both of them would you suggest after the specialaction button make a check to only spawn on the player who clicked the specialaction button?
how would I go about doing that if you don’t mind me asking you’ve already helped me quite a bit knowing that it works for you means at least some of my code is working which is awesome!
Hey good day haha sorry I forgot to add these important bits of information,
The Blueprint is an Actor I did not rename the component to Default scene root, the blueprint is parented to another blueprint called base weapon. Okay I will try adding the BP to a character BP and see if it works. I am very very new to the Multiplayer side of unreal.
Do you mind if I keep you updated? after I try the things you suggest?
Thanks again
Sure you can keep me updated.
This is what you want to do right?
A player presses the specialaction button and if it has the weapon equipped you would spawn an emitter.
What I would do in that situation
Create a character blueprint, this is where I would process all my input
Add the SpecialActionV2 on this blueprint and do the thing you sent.
Create a variable that would be an object reference to the weapon
After firing the SpecialActionV2 Event connect to “IsValid” node after and connect the weapon reference as object input. Then with the Valid firing pin you could just connect the “Switch has Authority” node and everything follows as what you did in your blueprint