Problem with Editor Widget, Single Property view and ... color picker !

Hi there.

I’m currently creating Editor Utility Widget for our production pipe and here is my problem.

I’m having a Blueprint A ; with multiple component a, b, c, d, …

I’m connecting my Single Property Views the right way.

If a variable is in A, I’m setting the object A into the “Set Object” node. works fine.
If a variable is in b, I’m setting the object A->target->b into the “Set Object” node. It also works really fine.

Here’s a quick screenshot.

Now I see everything in my UI and as I told you. It works.


When I edit any color with the default color picker, as soon as I change any value, the color picker shut down and EVERY Single Property View that target component of A crash showing those weird A A A A A like you can see.


After that, I can change and use the color picker as intended, it doesn’t shut down anymore but all my Single Property Views targeting components of A are doomed.
It seems that the fact to have a new window opening (the color picker) create a conflict with my UI.
Here is the Log after the Color Picker crash and cause my problem.

I would really love to have some help on this.

Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that compiling the Editor Widget or closing and reopening “fix” the UI again until the next color picking … and that’s way too unconvenient…