Problem with detection collision

Hello everyone!

I have problem with my detection collision.
I totally dont know why its doesn’t work :

If “Ball” collied with “BramkaInt2” = Open world “Menu1” ( i too trying with print string but its too failed )

Please help me :(***

Please help ;(

Most likely you are having problems configuring the collision channels of the objects involved.

Double-check them.

Also, rather than using tags, it is better to cast it to specfic type.

Very thank you for answer!

Unfortunately i cant find the problem :confused:
too i cant do another option than tags ,but i think that its correct.


As you see from your collision channels, they are blocking each other, not overlapping at all.

Also you need to tick that Generate Overlap Events and make sure to tell each other to overlap, from that list.

Collision can be hard to grasp at first, so take a look at this link:

IT WORK! I use the OnComponentHit !

Thanks for help and answers :slight_smile: