PRoblem with control rig update on Blueprint

Hi there!
I’m having a problem with a control rig setup: It doesnt updates on blueprints :frowning:

Here is a video showing the rig in the editor…it seems to work, but when
I add a control rig component to a blueprint, a skeletal mesh, I initialize in the
constructor and update in the ticker but nothing happens.

Any clue?


Ok. Found the solution and I post in case others need it (or myself in the future LOL)

Control rigs as components inside an actor blueprint cant get world transforms and that is why it was not updating as it should.

The solution is feed the controller of the rig from the blueprint actor that owns the component like this:


Sorry to necro, but I was wondering if you could share how you got the Control Rig Component to work in Blueprint?

I tried setting up an Actor Blueprint as per the documentation, but the skeleton doesn’t get imported when mapping the Skeletal Mesh in the Pre Initialize Event and I can’t access any of the controls.

I’m trying to procedurally import the skeletal mesh and manipulate the control transforms from the Actor Blueprint using UE 5.3.2