I have a character that isn’t really changed in any way from the base, and a “boat” that’s basically just a box that slides around, with a hole on top that lets you jump down inside of it. Currently in blueprints I have it moving forward with event tick calling SetActorLocation. I noticed that if the character goes inside the boat, jumping and touching other surfaces seems to screw with his velocity - jumping up and touching a forward facing surface kicks him backwards, while jumping around further inside and bouncing his head off the ceiling kicks him forwards.
I put this in blueprint scripting because the boat moving forward in BP is really the only thing “happening”, but I’m not sure what is causing the bouncing/velocity change, or even which part to investigate, as the collision seems fine, and I went through and toggled everything I thought might be relevant in both the character and the ‘boat’ and nothing seemed to change.
There isn’t a good reason at all - I’m just kind of in the middling stages of learning. I’ve got the basics of the editor down mostly, and some loose understanding of both the C++ and BP side of coding, and was trying to move forward with a game idea; the SetActorLocation has been used in several tutorials I’ve watched and it seemed like a good first stepping stone, but if there’s a better way of doing this I’d be happy to do that instead.
I want to be able to make it move forward, and the next step would be to change the boat’s rotation with a steering wheel, but I got pretty fixated on this bouncing issue.
Prompted by your question I went looking for another way to move it, tried adding a FloatingPawnMovement component to the boat, and then set the boat’s velocity that way instead, and the behavior re: the character bouncing is still the same.