Hi, i’m new to UE4, and this is my first cry for help.
I have a HUD with a score counter and coins. The counter should increase after player collected a coin.
In my HUD blueprint i have a variable called Score. It variable tells to the HUD which digits must be printed.
It was the idea. But something goes wrong. for some reason eventActorBegin Overlap does not cast to the HUD. I was tried instead of HUD CastToMyCharacter blueprint, it’s worked fine. But why it didn’t works for HUD blueprint?
I’m working in version 4.8.2
To cast to HUD (eg NewHUD is default name when making a new HUD blueprint) you need get player controller to be connected to Get HuD node, and from Get HUD node you cast to HUD that is in use (eg NewHUD). To check that your code doesn’t work you can use Cast Failed Exec line in node named “HUD_FirstBlood” and connect print string to it.