Problem With Building Unreal Engine 5 From Source

I Was Building UE5 From Source And Got The Message: Unhandled Exception Thrown: Read Access Violation. D3D12Device Was nullptr.
I Am Using A Laptop That Uses The Intel Iris XE Gpu, I Can Tell That It Wants A Direct12 Card But I Dont Have One, The Thing Is When Using The Engine Version From The Epic Games Store, It Worked Perfectly Fine No Problem, Can Anyone Help? I Need It Fast.

from what i’ve heard, the Intel gpus, even the modern ones, are pretty much insufficient. dx12 is the default in ue5, not sure about if dx11 is even still available. dx11 was default in 4.27 i think.

Yeah But Isnt There Supposed To Be A Way To Change It?

You could try running with command line -d3d11 and then if it starts, change the RHI setting in the editor or project settings, not sure where that lives exactly. Or dig through the INI files to find the default setting.

As far as I can tell, it looks like the default on Windows is to try 12, and if not supported, fallback to 11.

My guess, though, is that only the newest of these cards can even hope to run modern things