Problem with boleean and triggers ( BUG?)

SO guys i have one big problem maybe i found a bug?
So when my player activate the 2 trigger and i finish my dialog + cinematics ( everything works fine) so after i exit from my dialog…
and if i press F again i will be teleported to my 3 trigger and i will start my Fly training…

So i tried to deactivate my trigger 3 and everything works fine…
so how i can fix that?
maybe i found a bug? e0f571656b50bb7c711597f091bc50ecbc950557.jpeg2beb7d4d5fdc77c0de1326410afc313d8452d0d9.jpeg

nothing? xD

i found the problem so…i think i Found a Bug…
so i was on my player controller and i check and un-check Block input for my character and now everything is working fine.
I hope i can help someone.