Here are the entire code files:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Character.h"
#include "AzazelNokidoKait.generated.h"
class THESEVENSINS_API AAzazelNokidoKait : public ACharacter
/** Camera boom positioning the camera behind the character */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class USpringArmComponent* CameraBoom;
/** Follow camera */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class UCameraComponent* FollowCamera;
// Sets default values for this character's properties
/** Base turn rate, in deg/sec. Other scaling may affect final turn rate. */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Input)
float TurnRateGamepad;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int maxHealth;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int health;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int strength;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int defense;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int magic;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int work;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int workPer;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Statistics)
int awareness;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
/** Called for forwards/backward input */
void MoveForward(float Value);
/** Called for side to side input */
void MoveRight(float Value);
* Called via input to turn at a given rate.
* @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate
void TurnAtRate(float Rate);
* Called via input to turn look up/down at a given rate.
* @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate
void LookUpAtRate(float Rate);
void Bottom(std::string Weapon);
void Right(std::string Weapon);
void Left(std::string Weapon);
void Top(std::string Weapon);
// Called every frame
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
// Called to bind functionality to input
virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;
/** Returns CameraBoom subobject **/
FORCEINLINE class USpringArmComponent* GetCameraBoom() const { return CameraBoom; }
/** Returns FollowCamera subobject **/
FORCEINLINE class UCameraComponent* GetFollowCamera() const { return FollowCamera; }
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "AzazelNokidoKait.h"
#include "Camera/CameraComponent.h"
#include "Components/CapsuleComponent.h"
#include "Components/InputComponent.h"
#include "GameFramework/CharacterMovementComponent.h"
#include "GameFramework/Controller.h"
#include "GameFramework/SpringArmComponent.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// Sets default values
// Set this character to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
// Set size for collision capsule
GetCapsuleComponent()->InitCapsuleSize(42.f, 96.0f);
// set our turn rate for input
TurnRateGamepad = 50.f;
// Don't rotate when the controller rotates. Let that just affect the camera.
bUseControllerRotationPitch = false;
bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;
bUseControllerRotationRoll = false;
// Configure character movement
GetCharacterMovement()->bOrientRotationToMovement = true; // Character moves in the direction of input...
GetCharacterMovement()->RotationRate = FRotator(0.0f, 500.0f, 0.0f); // this rotation rate
// Note: For faster iteration times these variables, and many more, can be tweaked in the Character Blueprint
// instead of recompiling to adjust them
GetCharacterMovement()->AirControl = 0.35f;
GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = 500.f;
GetCharacterMovement()->MinAnalogWalkSpeed = 50.f;
GetCharacterMovement()->BrakingDecelerationWalking = 2000.f;
// Create a camera boom (pulls in towards the player if there is a collision)
CameraBoom = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("CameraBoom"));
CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = 400.0f; // The camera follows at this distance behind the character
CameraBoom->bUsePawnControlRotation = true; // Rotate the arm based on the controller
// Create a follow camera
FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FollowCamera"));
FollowCamera->SetupAttachment(CameraBoom, USpringArmComponent::SocketName); // Attach the camera to the end of the boom and let the boom adjust to match the controller orientation
FollowCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = false; // Camera does not rotate relative to arm
// Note: The skeletal mesh and anim blueprint references on the Mesh component (inherited from Character)
// are set in the derived blueprint asset named ThirdPersonCharacter (to avoid direct content references in C++)
maxHealth = 750;
health = 750;
strength = 100;
defense = 100;
magic = 100;
work = 0;
workPer = 0;
awareness = 50;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AAzazelNokidoKait::BeginPlay()
// Called every frame
void AAzazelNokidoKait::Tick(float DeltaTime)
// Called to bind functionality to input
void AAzazelNokidoKait::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Attack Bottom", IE_Pressed, this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::Bottom);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Attack Right", IE_Pressed, this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::Right);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Attack Left", IE_Pressed, this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::Left);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Attack Top", IE_Pressed, this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::Top);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Move Forward / Backward", this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::MoveForward);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Move Right / Left", this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::MoveRight);
// We have 2 versions of the rotation bindings to handle different kinds of devices differently
// "turn" handles devices that provide an absolute delta, such as a mouse.
// "turnrate" is for devices that we choose to treat as a rate of change, such as an analog joystick
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn Right / Left Mouse", this, &APawn::AddControllerYawInput);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn Right / Left Gamepad", this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::TurnAtRate);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Look Up / Down Mouse", this, &APawn::AddControllerPitchInput);
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Look Up / Down Gamepad", this, &AAzazelNokidoKait::LookUpAtRate);
void AAzazelNokidoKait::TurnAtRate(float Rate)
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerYawInput(Rate * TurnRateGamepad * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
void AAzazelNokidoKait::LookUpAtRate(float Rate)
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerPitchInput(Rate * TurnRateGamepad * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
void AAzazelNokidoKait::MoveForward(float Value)
if ((Controller != nullptr) && (Value != 0.0f))
// find out which way is forward
const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation();
const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);
// get forward vector
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);
// add movement in that direction
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
void AAzazelNokidoKait::MoveRight(float Value)
if ((Controller != nullptr) && (Value != 0.0f))
// find out which way is right
const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation();
const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);
// get right vector
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y);
// add movement in that direction
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
void AAzazelNokidoKait::Bottom(std::string Weapon)
void AAzazelNokidoKait::Right(std::string Weapon)
void AAzazelNokidoKait::Left(std::string Weapon)
void AAzazelNokidoKait::Top(std::string Weapon)