I have some laser trap with 2 collision boxes. The first one is bigger which activates the laser when any enemy begin overlapping it. Then the second one is the laser damage collision box where i want that any enemy touching/overlapping it to take damage for the duration this collision box is “active”. The problem that i have is that i don’t know how to stop or deactivate the damage box after 3 sec.
The only half solution i found is to destroy the laser damage collision box after 3 sec. If i knew then how to reverse the “destroy” node like rebuild it back somehow then this will work.
It could be made more robust by disabling collision on the Activation collision trigger instead of faffing with and resetting the DoOnce. There might be a fringe case scenario when something starts inside the collision box and it does not trigger an overlap. May be irrelevant, though.
Oh wow this works. I had to modify it a bit and add an extra timer for the trap to retrigger/cooldown of the trap itself but now it seems to work as i wanted (Retrigger of the trap and retrigger of the laser beam + damage of it are separate). Thx a lot
I have some other trap and im stuck right now on it Not sure how to actually fire it only once. It’s some spike trap where it should check who overlaps it and then fire only once do damage/delay for trap cooldown lets say 5 sec. So once it fires then 5 sec long nothing should happen if other actors are walking over it till the 5 sec “cooldown” runs out then trap should retrigger and check again who is overlapping it and repeat.
I try to make this similar to the one above but without any timer just with Do once node at the start / damage and animation in between and in the end a delay node with connecting it to reset the do once node at the start… But as it seems any new actor overlapping the collision box retriggers the trap non stop without to carry that it has do once node + delay at the end. I tried this with timer and without and nothing works :((
I made some mistake yestarday. After tinkering with the trap i found out that this trap did damage even if i removed all the logic. So first i was kinda really surprised and i knew something is really wierd and off with this. And i just i found the problem and it was this…
Ok i had some damage logic running non stop outside of the on begin overlapp event. I didn’t even know this node existed in there. This one was so old as the project itself so i must totaly forget about it…
Anyway now i removed those nodes and i made it to work properly. Triggering damage only once and trap after trap reset it trigger damage again only once on all enemies standing on it.
Thx a lot again. This helped me understand how to set up more different traps for the future. Like Timer set to 0.1 with a delay following of 1 sec fires it 10x per sec is really good stuff to know.