Problem when my character is going upstairs

I am working on the animation and movement of my character and it comes to the moment he needs to use stairs, everything works but when I have my crosshair too high above the stairs my character can not overlap it but when I’m looking at them everything works.
I would like to fix this problem because it decreases the realism of the project and can bother the player while he is playing

3 days later I am still bothered by this problem, Does anyone have a solution to help me ?

Make the stair collision a ramp?

What is your character’s collision component attached too? Is it perhaps rotating with your camera? If so, “putting the crosshair too high above the stairs” may be causing it to rotate in a way that it can’t easily overlap / get’s blocked.

Add some print statements on collision events to see what’s happening.

Other than that, nothing else comes to mind re: cause of the issue.

that’s my character blueprint

Does someone have an idea to help me or sb knows this issue?

I’ll elaborate on previous answer. There’s about 100 things this could be, mostly due to collision.

  • step height is too high, so make them lower
  • alter the step collision to be a ramp (unless you need IK feet on steps, nobody will notice)
  • is anything else attached to the character colliding with something? walls, doorways, etc?
  • does some other object have collision near the steps transition?

To debug:

  • get into the blocked position
  • eject from the editor
  • type “show collision” in the console and look at what your character is colliding with

But it could just be the steps are almost too high, and looking up makes the physics such that your forward vector is more up than forward, and physics can’t quite roll the character up the step.

I do not have any object attach to my character I tested all you said and also tried to switch collision to a ramp but it didn’t work. Its very unpleasant when you play, you can not use the stairs without looking at it and you don’t see what is upstairs

Does anyone have still an idea ?

I am having the same problenm as you and it is quite annoying