Problem to import custom collision in gltf format

When a model is imported into UnrealEngine using the glb/gltf format, it cannot use prefixes such as “UCX_” to generate collision meshes for the engine. It still does it automatically. How to fix it?
Maybe I write something wrong or missed something when importing?

I reproduced your issue, it does not seem normal.
I reported a bug.

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Thank you.
Here’s some more details I found about this issues.
• Previously, on the site in the documentation of Unreal Engine 5.2. I found an explanation of importing collisions in glf format. It was written there that all collision import settings are the same as when importing in the FBX format.
• Found the documentation of collision import in fbx. And repeated all the namings one to one. I named the mesh Tree and its collision UCX_Tree_01. And imported into unreal. In the fbx format, the collision was quietly imported, but not in glf.
• GlTF import settings are default. At the same time, for some reason, the collision is imported by separate meshes from the main mesh. Why is this happening?
• Please explain this dropdown prompt “Import Collision According to Mesh Name”

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I got the exact same issue. We depend on glTF because of the better material import but collisions are not imported as collisions.

@Longrid @H4x03D
That is fixed for 5.4.

If you build from source:


Cool thanks! When is 5.4 gonna be released (stable)?

Thanks a lot for information!
I hope it comes out soon)

Probably around Q2 2024

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