Hello, I am currently creating a plugin, where if I click on the button, it will spawn some static meshes as well as an ANavMeshBoundsVolume on an empty map.
Initially, I have tried something like
ANavMeshBoundsVolume* BoundsVolume = World->SpawnActor<ANavMeshBoundsVolume>(
ANavMeshBoundsVolume::StaticClass(), FTransform());
It does give me an ANavMeshBoundsVolume, But it was not functioning at all. I have noticed that the “Brush Settings/Brush Shape” in details is missing compared to when I drag a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume from the left panel.
(The Icon looks different)
So I did some search online and tried adding:
UCubeBuilder* CubeBuilder = Cast<UCubeBuilder>(GEditor->FindBrushBuilder(UCubeBuilder::StaticClass()));
CubeBuilder->X = 200;
CubeBuilder->Y = 200;
CubeBuilder->Z = 200;
CubeBuilder->Build(World, BoundsVolume);
BoundsVolume->BrushBuilder = CubeBuilder;
Still, It does was not functioning at all.
But a least this time it has the identical “Brush Settings/Brush Shape” in detail.
And this thing shows up:
I have also tired SpawnActorDeferred, no effects at all. It seems like the problem is because of the volume actor’s collision component was wrong some how.
I am not sure what I can do with it. I have been stuck on this for two weeks already.
1 Like
May 27, 2020, 5:36am
Are you still having trouble with this? If so I had some luck with the following:
FTransform NavMeshTransform = FTransform();
NavMeshTransform.SetScale3D(FVector(500, 500, 500));
NavMeshTransform.SetLocation(FVector(0, 0, 0));
ANavMeshBoundsVolume* BoundsVolume = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ANavMeshBoundsVolume>(ANavMeshBoundsVolume::StaticClass(), NavMeshTransform);
UCubeBuilder* CubeBuilder = Cast<UCubeBuilder>(GEditor->FindBrushBuilder(UCubeBuilder::StaticClass()));
CubeBuilder->X = 200;
CubeBuilder->Y = 200;
CubeBuilder->Z = 200;
CubeBuilder->Build(World, BoundsVolume);
BoundsVolume->BrushBuilder = CubeBuilder;
** Make sure “UnrealEd” and “NavigationSystem” are added to your Build.cs PublicDependencyModuleNames
1 Like
September 27, 2020, 2:40am
Are you still having trouble with this? If so I had some luck with the following:
FTransform NavMeshTransform = FTransform();
NavMeshTransform.SetScale3D(FVector(500, 500, 500));
NavMeshTransform.SetLocation(FVector(0, 0, 0));
ANavMeshBoundsVolume* BoundsVolume = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ANavMeshBoundsVolume>(ANavMeshBoundsVolume::StaticClass(), NavMeshTransform);
UCubeBuilder* CubeBuilder = Cast<UCubeBuilder>(GEditor->FindBrushBuilder(UCubeBuilder::StaticClass()));
CubeBuilder->X = 200;
CubeBuilder->Y = 200;
CubeBuilder->Z = 200;
CubeBuilder->Build(World, BoundsVolume);
BoundsVolume->BrushBuilder = CubeBuilder;
** Make sure “UnrealEd” and “NavigationSystem” are added to your Build.cs PublicDependencyModuleNames
i am tried it in 4.24 , but not work
is there any other setting i missed?
March 24, 2022, 1:50pm
Have you figured out how to do it?