Problem possessing player

I have this weird issue… Basically my game consists of the following :
Menu -> Level 1 -> Level 2 (3 levels in total).
So I made a link between the menu and level one. In the menu, there’s a big Play button that has ‘Open Level 1’ connected to it. Then, I have a widget called Pause in the game. You open the widget, and there’s a ‘Main Menu’ option there. You click it, ‘Open Menu’ happens. All works so far. I click ‘Play’ again (open level 1) and the short cutscene in the beginning plays as usual, but then you cannot move your character? This is weird behaviour, I think the game doesn’t know it should possess the Controller Input 0…
Long story short : You open game, it plays fine. You go back to main menu. You open game a second time, you cannot move.
Thanks in advance, I really need to resolve this…

(PS I have two functions that happen. Function 1 : reset all variables from mygameinstance and FPC (it loads as eventbeginplay in the main menu) and Function 2 : reset all variables from level 1 (again, loads on eventbeginplay in level 1))

Screenshots please if possible…

Of what specifically? I’m not sure what to include…

hmm, entering from menu to level i think

Alright, here’s my Level 1 ‘event beginplay’ set-up.
Notice the ‘Then 1’ in the output of the sequence.

So, to explain it all :
Disable input, since a cutscene is happening when the game first starts -> set view target with blend for the cutscene camera -> doonce so it happens and that’s it -> Play matinees (one of them is for the camera animation, other one is for a post-process effect control) -> timeline with set scalar parameter since I have an eye-opening effect and it’s controlled with that parameter -> 17s delay (that’s how long the cutscene is) -> target view with blend to get back to my FPC -> enable input so you can move again. That’s pretty much it! Works the first time the game starts, doesn’t work the second time.

Imo its problem in “do once” node… because you dont reset that node so it can’t work for second time… right? try to remove that do once node or reset it when you enter to main menu or somehow…

I just removed it - problem persists… Thanks for trying to help tho!

hmm… timeline uses input “play” which is not correct i think, try to plug it into play from start.
or first you can to try remove “disable input” node… then you will see where is problem :slight_smile:

Just tried changing the timeline output from ‘finished’ straight to the blend camera without delay. I also removed the disable input at the beginning - now I can jump and move while the cutscene plays (at least sounds play as if I’m jumping and moving), but that’s also only the first time I start the game. After going back to the menu and starting again, pressing ‘space’ doesn’t make any sounds in the cutscene… It’s like the game completely ignores my keyboard or something… Also ‘play from start’ didn’t change a thing. Any other suggestions?

Just made a simple ‘pring string’ attached to ‘press space’. Whenever I press ‘space’ a space pressed should appear. First time I start the game it does. Second time it doesn’t. I started thinking it’s not recognizing my keyboard at all the second time around… like something is consuming the input before it gets to the game?

I believe I have figured it out… I added a simple ‘set input mode game only’ and it worked… No idea why the first time around it automatically does it and the second time around it doesn’t but now it’s working I think… Thanks a lot for trying to help me!