Hello, i have problems to teleport a PlayerPawn to PlayerStart on RoundEnd.
This is a Multiplayer Project.
for (auto it = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); it; ++it)
auto playerController = Cast<ATOPlayerController>(*it);
if (playerController)
APawn* tPawn = playerController->GetPawn();
tPawn->SetActorLocation(tPlayerStartlocation, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::None);
Some idea why this dont work?
for (auto it = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); it; ++it)
auto playerController = Cast<ATOPlayerController>(*it);
if (playerController)
APawn* tPawn = playerController->GetPawn();
tPawn->TeleportTo(tPlayerStartlocation, tPawn->GetActorRotation());
This dont work too.
Greez DarkSoe