I’m trying to test my game in HTML 5 but I fails to package the game. It works fine when I package for windows but not HTML 5 I get this error anyone know whats going on?
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: ../Plugins/Runtime/ProceduralMeshComponent/Source/Public\ProceduralMeshComponent.h../Plugins/Runtime/ProceduralMeshComponent/Source/Public\ProceduralMeshComponent.h../Plugins/Runtime/ProceduralMeshComponent/Source/Public\ProceduralMeshComponent.h:5::5::5:10: 10: fatal errorfatal error: : 'ProceduralMeshComponent.generated.h' fi
le not found'ProceduralMeshComponent.generated.h' file not found
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: 10:
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: fatal error: 'ProceduralMeshComponent.generated.h' file not found
Well, I can tell you one problem that’s very likely the cause, which is the PMC isn’t supported in HTML5. It currently has HTML5 blacklisted, and I’m not familiar with why as I’ve never attempted HTML5 work with UE4.
Thinking about this further, I’m not quite sure why it wouldn’t be supported in HTML5… I can’t think of anything in there that’s different from something like the static mesh component on the rendering side. Collision very well might not be supported since it would need the physx cooker.
Boy I hope what you’re saying isn’t a 100% accurate. What I’m working on is only possible with Procedural Mesh Component and my target platform is HTML 5.
Well, I know it’s blacklisted in the config. I’ve never tried to use it so I’m not sure if it works. I’m currently finishing a complete rewrite of the PMC (will be released soon as a plugin) so I’ll see if I can run it in html5.
Well, for know I’m beginning to think of ways to rework my game but it made with procedural genetation at its core so thats a bummer. If you come up with something good let me know. If it is blacklisted on html 5 i hope it can be useable some time in the future.
Well. I wanted to check back in and let you know my quick test findings. My PMC remake will run in HTML5. It appears to render correctly, but my suspicions where correct. Runtime collision cooking is disabled which means you can’t use the built in collision support since you can’t cook triangle or convex meshes at runtime. So if you don’t need collision then you’re good, but if you do then it might not work for you. If you want, you can find me in the Unreal Slackers chat. (Also by me replying, it unmarked this answer as accepted)
Hi friend, I don’t suppose you would know of how to get by. I’m using PMC for the dumbest case. Basically to write a blob of vertices and tris to every 6 seconds or so. I don’t need any collision or cooked lighting, it’s super simple. Should I be writing my own component to represent this for HTML5?
I haven’t tried to use the PMC for HTML5 in a long time. Actually I haven’t used the PMC in a long time. The rewrite of the PMC I mentioned above is on the marketplace for free. It should support HTML5 but I haven’t verified that in a while.