It looks like you’re trying to build a project containing code with a pre-built version of the editor. Try using First Person Shooter template built with blueprints instead or if you really need the C++ version then get the source build from github. There are plenty of instructions on this topic out there.
Problem package (the final output) Why?
Unreal engine problem in version 4.7 and 4.7.1
When I select the desired platform, Hang is a small computer.
After a few seconds the message:
**Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:
UE4Game **
Thanks, I’ll try to put templates in your Unreal Engine 4.7, not yet, ever by any Template This message displays (both version 4.7 and 4.7.1)
What to do?
I’m sorry but I could not figure out your previous comment. Maybe you can say it again in other words?
Please help my problem is serious.