Problem opening twinmotion 2022

Hello, I have problems trying to open Twinmotion 2022.

A few days ago my computer suddenly restarted and after that I can't open the application. I've installed twinmotion 3 times but is not running.

Thank you!

Hello ,

Please try following the steps in the Twinmotion is not visible after splash screen article to try and resolve this issue. Usually, this occurs when your Twinmotion configuration becomes corrupted, and resetting the configuration usually fixes it.

Let me know if that helps or not.




I've finally fixed the problem. I unintalled everything that have to do with twinmotion, included epic games. I also made sure every file that have to do with twinmotion configuration was deleted and removed from the system:




C:\Program Files\Epic Games

C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games

I also delete the data from the windows registry editor.

  1. Open the system registry (Windows Start menu > Run > Regedit). Locate and delete the following registry keys
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic games

Finally I followed all the instructions on microsoft website just in case to delate all unnecessary files there could be on my computer.

I'm not all of this was necessary I actually wanted to clean my computer anyway but after this I reinstalled everything, the Epic Louncher and twinmotion and now is working perfectly fine.

I hope this can help you :)

English is not my first language so I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense

Hello Belenbujuju,

Thanks a lot, I will follow these steps!!!

Hello! I'm having the exact same problem. I was working perfectly with my project, then the program closed suddenl, without a crush and report window or anything. It happened two times. When I tried to open the program again for a third time it just keeps freezing on the loading window. I have tried what you suggested here but it is not working anyway. I have tried also reinstalling the program from scratch and its still freezing on the loading window. I really don't know what else to do.

I'd also recommend trying to uninstall and re-install Twinmotion.

If the problem persists, please submit a bug report with your Twinmotion Project file and logs.

Where to find Twinmotion .log file

Submit a Bug report



Hello Francesco,

Thank you for your help,

I tried but is still not working, I'm wondering if this is a windows problem because I'm having issues with other applications as well, I will try to reset my system and I will let you know.

Thank you!